Nature Nerd Photography: Blog en-us Nature Nerd Photography (C)JL Schreier (Nature Nerd Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:38:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:38:00 GMT Nature Nerd Photography: Blog 120 86 "Treehenge" Treehenge 2015 is now here. Looking out on the Bay at Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook, one can see the sun setting through an opening between the branches of this small tree. This is "Treehenge" - the sun only appears in this opening near this time of June solstice. If you look in the "Treehenge" gallery, you will see three adjacent images like the one below, which were captured on the summer solstice for each of three consecutive years. Its foliage is thicker and fuller each year, and Treehenge looks more beautiful than ever. You can also view Treehenge at the time of the equinoxes and the winter solstice.  Treehenge 2015Treehenge 2015On the Summer Solstice at Ft. Hancock, Sandy Hook, NJ

(Nature Nerd Photography) fort hancock ft. hancock sandy hook nj stonehenge summer solstice sunset Sat, 27 Jun 2015 10:27:00 GMT
LIGHT "The fullest moonlight is just too weak to awaken color discrimination in the human eye, but because the Earth is round, most clouds catch the Sun's rays long after it has set beneath them, forming at such a height that they reflect the sunlight just over the horizon and glow with a ghostly hue - a phenomenon called 'noctilucence.' The distinctive light cast by the dying Sun on the Earth, seen as a blue-gray front of light that rises in the east after a clear sunset and often tinged with pink, is 'twilight edge.' Moments later comes 'civil twilight,' the minutes after sunset until the Sun is 6 degrees below the horizon; 'nautical twilight' covers between 6 degrees and 12 degrees below, and between 12 degrees and 18 degrees is 'astronomical twilight,' an acknowledgment that it is finally getting dark enough for sky watchers to begin work. Once the horizon has lifted 18 degrees above the Sun, true night begins.


Reflecting on his travels in Africa, Carl Jung wrote, 'When the great night comes, everything takes on a note of deep dejection, and every soul is seized by darkness. That is why the sun's birth in the morning strikes the natives as so overwhelmingly meaningful. The moment in which light comes is God. That moment brings redemption, release...The longing for light is the longing for consciousness.'"

Quail Brook SunsetQuail Brook Sunset Chasing the SunChasing the Sunby Richard Cohen

(Nature Nerd Photography) Wed, 11 Jun 2014 03:31:07 GMT